There is so much I wish I could say, but it would be too revealing (you understand), but all I can say here is: Verily and Amen!

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Those with eyes to see always see.

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I am sorry to hear that despite your best efforts, which sound second to none, you received nothing in return—not even meaningful opportunities for advancement. This bold article touches on a phenomena that seemingly plagues most spiritual institutions right down to the smallest evangelical church on every other street corner. (I exclude the Temple in which I am a member because of our unique leadership.) If there is a solution it can be found in S L MacGregor Mather's end of life farewell speech where he explained how the strength of the GD and like organizations lies solely in the veracity of Brotherhood displayed among its members. This is where the challenge bears poisonous fruit yet this is also where the challenge can be overcome.

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It's not that I received nothing in return... I received the last 7 years of defamation and harassment from my ex Brethren for speaking out about the systemic failures of Ordo Templi Orientis. I wrote about it at length.

Without real leaders and without a true Egregoric connection, nothing positive can grow.

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